Our Policies

P-1 Quality Policy – It is the policy of the company to provide its customers with a service that fulfils their specified requirements. To assist this policy we have prepared and implemented a Quality Management system to the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard which also takes into account our organisational context.

The following principles are applied throughout the company:

1)            Full commitment of all personnel to delivering a high quality of service. It is also our intention to monitor and improve customer satisfaction levels by collecting feedback from our customers.

2)            Full commitment of all personnel to active involvement in making improvements.

3)            Full commitment to meeting customer requirements as well as any applicable regulatory and statutory requirements.

4)            Full commitment to continually improving our quality management system. 

5)            Full commitment to ongoing training and development of staff.

6)            Full understanding by all employees, of long term importance of achieving customer satisfaction and their role in ensuring that their failure to meet standards will lead to the company failing to meet customer standards.

7)            Appraisal and checks to ensure our approved suppliers understand and meet our quality requirements.

8)            All staff are aware of and follow our quality management system, associated procedures and policies and understand the process of continual improvement of our Quality Management System

The ISO system defines the commitments of the company that are employed to ensure Customer Satisfaction. Quality objectives are set annually at management review meetings when this policy is also reviewed and approved.

This policy is available to all staff within the organisation and also made available to any interested parties upon request.

P-2 Environmental Policy – The company are committed to a positive and responsible course of action with regard to those aspects of the business which impact upon the environment. The company are committed to fulfilling our compliance obligations. Furthermore, we seek to always to act in accordance with good practice, preserving and, where possible, enhancing the quality of the environment.

Commitment to the environment is demonstrated by maintaining an Environmental Management System, which meets the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 and is focused on preventing pollution and continuously improving the company performance. Key components of the system include the establishment of environmental objectives and targets, which require the company to achieve continual improvement and the establishment of programmes to ensure satisfaction of these improvements, objectives and targets.

The strategy addresses the following key areas to:

  • Review and reduce the environmental impacts of our operations
  • Increase employee environmental awareness and training
  • Protect the environment, through pollution prevention and emergency response
  • Ensuring the company is a good neighbour
  • Recycle materials and minimise waste
  • Comply to all planning permission and license requirements
  • Continually improve our Environmental Management System to enhance environmental performance

Management, staff and employees are encouraged to liaise and work closely with suppliers, sub-contractors, regulators and customers to ensure the services will meet and exceed all regulatory requirements and other applicable requirements.

Questions and enquiries should be directed to the Environmental Representative. 

This policy is publicly available.

P-3 Health & Safety Policy – This company recognises that its people are its most valuable asset. Our Management are committed to the provision of a safe and healthy working environment, which extends to the protection of the public, property and the environment. The company takes a zero-tolerance attitude to unsafe practices and are committed to the prevention of injury and ill health. Safety is always the first consideration with respect to all business activities.

The policy of this business is to take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees, contractors, customers, visitors and the general public from any injury due to the work activities. The business will therefore comply with all statutory requirements, regulations and approved codes of practice dealing with health and safety where applicable to the business.

In fulfilling this commitment, and in compliance with legislative and other requirements, Management will strive toward the continued development of a positive Safety Culture within the workplace to help maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all persons within the workplace. Staff are encouraged to document and report incidents / near misses and to suggest safer ways of working. These reports will be investigated with the aim of preventing problems occurring and Management will endeavour to eliminate hazards and reduce risks where recognised.

Management in combination with active employee involvement can, to a great extent, prevent and control accidental losses of all types. Prevention of such loss is the direct responsibility of all Staff, Managers and Employees alike.

All Management functions will comply with the Company Policy regarding Health & Safety. All Staff should perform their duties properly and in accordance with established procedures, instructions and rules. All individuals working on behalf of the company will be informed of their OH&S obligations.

This policy is reviewed at intervals not exceeding 12 months and the target will be to continuously improve Health & Safety performance and management within the organisation and meet the requirements of all relevant legislation and the ISO 45001 standard. Health & Safety Objectives and targets are set and reviewed at least annually during management review.

P-4 Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy – It is the policy of the company to take a zero tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery which encompasses slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings and to ensuring effective systems and controls are in place to safeguard against any form of modern slavery taking place within our business operations or in our supply chain.

The Company acknowledges responsibility to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and we accept that we have a responsibility to ensure that workers are not being exploited, that they are safe and that relevant employment, health and safety, and human rights laws and standards are being adhered to, including freedom of movement and communication.

Any concerns about any form of modern slavery taking place within our business or supply chain should be reported to management.

We currently operate a supplier approval process which includes consideration of any risks of modern slavery or human trafficking and all approved suppliers are required to demonstrate they meet our requirements to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within our organisation or supply chain. We will not have any dealings with any business knowingly involved in slavery or human trafficking.

This Policy takes into account, and supports, the policies, procedures and requirements documented in our ISO compliant Management Systems. The implementation and operation of this management system underlines our commitment to this policy including procedures to ensure that this policy, as well as all other company policies, is available and understood at all levels.

This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its continuing suitability and relevance to company activities and is made available to all staff and interested parties upon request.

P-8 Corporate Social Responsibility Policy – The Company recognises that its activities and operations have a significant impact on the wider social, environmental and economic well-being of the areas in which we operate. As a member of the business community, we recognise our corporate social responsibility commitments in our various roles, which include producer, employer and consumer.

We are committed to ensuring that our business is conducted in all respects according to rigorous ethical, professional and legal standards.

In addition to compliance with current legislation, our policies and codes of conduct encourage high standards of corporate behaviour in areas such as the environment, health and safety and equal opportunities, both for our staff and in relation to those into whom they may come into contact.

We aim to reduce any negative impact of our business operations and encourage a positive contribution through appropriate health and safety and environmental policies and objectives (which are considered as an integral part of our business activities) and good management.

We are continually engaging communities through local liaison and sponsorship of local events, community groups, youth groups and sports teams.

We aim to manage our employees openly, honestly and fairly and to be a responsible employer, adopting values and standards designed to help guide our staff in their conduct and business relationships. We are committed to having a fully trained and competent workforce and actively promote vocational training for our employees.

P-10 Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy – The company believes that certain principles and values are the foundation of sound and fair business practice and as such are important to uphold. One such principle is a zero tolerance position in relation to bribery and corruption, wherever and in whatever form that it may be encountered.

It is important to uphold our sound reputation for ethical behaviour, financial probity and reliability. In support of this aim we intend to limit our exposure to bribery and corruption by:

  • Setting out a clear anti-bribery & corruption policy
  • Encouraging employees to be vigilant and to report any suspicion of bribery ensuring sensitive information is treated appropriately
  • Rigorously investigating instances of alleged bribery
  • Taking action against any individual(s) involved in bribery or corruption

What is Bribery?

A bribe does not need to be actual money. It can be any form of advantage, offered, requested or received. A contract does not need to have been won for a corruption offence to have been committed. Similarly, a recipient does not need to benefit personally from a bribe – it may be the intended beneficiary is a third party or a company. Finally, bribery can occur in the private as well as the public sector – it is not just about our relationship with public officials.


This policy has two straightforward rules that all employees, consultants and agents must adhere strictly to:

  • Do not offer, promise or pay bribes
  • Do not request, agree to or accept bribes

This policy applies to individual employees, customers, suppliers or any other people or bodies associated with the company.

Report concerns – employee responsibility

The prevention, detection and reporting of bribery is the responsibility of all employees.  Suitable channels of communication by which employees or others can report confidentially any suspicion of bribery will be maintained. Employees who are suspected of involvement in bribery or corruption will be subject to disciplinary procedure.